初めての PureScript

PureScript 公式チュートリアルを追いかける (Chapter 2)

Chapter 2 - Getting Started
PureScript を試しにやってみたところ、
  • これで JavaScript プログラムを快適に作れるようになるのではないのか?
今回は、公式チュートリアルのチャプター2 をやっていく。
また、公式では「GitHub から例題集のデータを拾ってきて、それを使って進めていく」という流れになっているが、ここでは毎回初期化直後の骨組みから出発するという感じでやってみる。
(チャプター1は PureScript とはどういった言語であるのかのアブストと、ちょうど前回やった Hello World プログラムのビルドテストみたいな感じだったので、前回をチャプター1の内容という扱いにしておく。)
底辺の長さ x、高さ y の直角三角形の斜辺の長さを求める関数 diagonal を書け!
取り敢えず Haskell のノリで書いてみる
  • EffectIO
  • logputStrLn
ということだけを意識し、Haskell を書く要領でコーディングしてみた。
module Main where

import Prelude
import Data.Number (sqrt)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  log (show $ diagonal 3 4)

diagonal x y = sqrt $ x^2 + y^2
C:\Users\hikaru\Desktop\PureScript>spago bundle-app
[info] Installing 3 dependencies.
[info] Searching for packages cache metadata..
[info] Recent packages cache metadata found, using it..
[info] Installing "prelude"
[info] Installing "console"
[info] Installing "effect"
[info] Installation complete.
[warn] "Failed to run `purs graph \".spago/console/v6.0.0/src/**/*.purs\" \".spago/effect/v4.0.0/src/**/*.purs\" \".spago/prelude/v6.0.1/src/**/*.purs\" \"src/**/*.purs\" \"test/**/*.purs\"`. Error was:\n\"Error found:\\r\\nin module Main\\r\\nat src\\\\Main.purs:4:1 - 4:26 (line 4, column 1 - line 4, column 26)\\r\\n\\r\\n  Module Data.Number was not found.\\r\\n  Make sure the source file exists, and that it has been provided as an input to the compiler.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\nSee https://github.com/purescript/documentation/blob/master/errors/ModuleNotFound.md for more information,\\r\\nor to contribute content related to this error.\\r\\n\\r\\n\\r\\n\""
Error found:
in module Main
at src\Main.purs:4:1 - 4:26 (line 4, column 1 - line 4, column 26)

  Module Data.Number was not found.
  Make sure the source file exists, and that it has been provided as an input to the compiler.

See https://github.com/purescript/documentation/blob/master/errors/ModuleNotFound.md for more information,
or to contribute content related to this error.

[error] Failed to build.
ということで numbers モジュールをインストール。
C:\Users\hikaru\Desktop\PureScript>spago install numbers
[info] Installing 8 dependencies.
[info] Searching for packages cache metadata..
[info] Unable to find packages cache metadata, downloading from GitHub..
[info] Installing "numbers"
[info] Installing "unsafe-coerce"
[info] Installing "functions"
[info] Installing "safe-coerce"
[info] Installing "newtype"
[info] Installing "maybe"
[info] Installing "control"
[info] Installing "invariant"
[info] Installation complete.
C:\Users\hikaru\Desktop\PureScript>spago bundle-app
[ 2 of 77] Compiling Data.Unit
[ 1 of 77] Compiling Unsafe.Coerce
[ 3 of 77] Compiling Record.Unsafe
[ 4 of 77] Compiling Type.Proxy
[ 5 of 77] Compiling Data.Void
[ 6 of 77] Compiling Data.NaturalTransformation
[ 7 of 77] Compiling Data.Boolean
[ 8 of 77] Compiling Control.Semigroupoid
[ 9 of 77] Compiling Safe.Coerce
[10 of 77] Compiling Data.Symbol
[11 of 77] Compiling Control.Lazy
[12 of 77] Compiling Control.Category
[13 of 77] Compiling Data.Function.Uncurried
[14 of 77] Compiling Data.HeytingAlgebra
[16 of 77] Compiling Data.Semiring
[15 of 77] Compiling Data.Semigroup
[17 of 77] Compiling Data.Show
[18 of 77] Compiling Data.Ring
[19 of 77] Compiling Data.Generic.Rep
[21 of 77] Compiling Data.BooleanAlgebra
[20 of 77] Compiling Data.Eq
[22 of 77] Compiling Data.CommutativeRing
[24 of 77] Compiling Data.Ordering
[23 of 77] Compiling Data.EuclideanRing
[25 of 77] Compiling Data.Ord
[26 of 77] Compiling Data.DivisionRing
[27 of 77] Compiling Data.Field
[28 of 77] Compiling Data.Reflectable
[29 of 77] Compiling Data.Function
[30 of 77] Compiling Data.Monoid
[31 of 77] Compiling Data.Bounded
[32 of 77] Compiling Data.Functor
[33 of 77] Compiling Data.Monoid.Generic
[36 of 77] Compiling Control.Alt
[34 of 77] Compiling Control.Extend
[35 of 77] Compiling Control.Apply
[37 of 77] Compiling Data.Bounded.Generic
[38 of 77] Compiling Control.Plus
[39 of 77] Compiling Control.Comonad
[40 of 77] Compiling Control.Applicative
[41 of 77] Compiling Control.Alternative
[42 of 77] Compiling Control.Bind
[43 of 77] Compiling Control.Monad
[44 of 77] Compiling Prelude
[45 of 77] Compiling Control.MonadPlus
[46 of 77] Compiling Data.Number.Format
[47 of 77] Compiling Data.Ord.Generic
[48 of 77] Compiling Data.Semigroup.Generic
[49 of 77] Compiling Data.Show.Generic
[50 of 77] Compiling Data.Monoid.Dual
[52 of 77] Compiling Data.Monoid.Disj
[51 of 77] Compiling Data.HeytingAlgebra.Generic
[54 of 77] Compiling Data.Ring.Generic
[53 of 77] Compiling Data.Semiring.Generic
[55 of 77] Compiling Data.Monoid.Conj
[56 of 77] Compiling Data.Monoid.Multiplicative
[57 of 77] Compiling Data.Semigroup.First
[58 of 77] Compiling Data.Eq.Generic
[59 of 77] Compiling Data.Semigroup.Last
[61 of 77] Compiling Effect
[60 of 77] Compiling Data.Monoid.Additive
[62 of 77] Compiling Data.Monoid.Endo
[63 of 77] Compiling Effect.Unsafe
[64 of 77] Compiling Effect.Uncurried
[65 of 77] Compiling Effect.Class
[66 of 77] Compiling Effect.Console
[67 of 77] Compiling Data.Newtype
[68 of 77] Compiling Effect.Class.Console
[69 of 77] Compiling Test.Main
[70 of 77] Compiling Data.Monoid.Alternate
[71 of 77] Compiling Data.Functor.Invariant
[72 of 77] Compiling Data.Maybe
[73 of 77] Compiling Data.Maybe.First
[74 of 77] Compiling Data.Maybe.Last
[75 of 77] Compiling Data.Number
[76 of 77] Compiling Main
[77 of 77] Compiling Data.Number.Approximate
Error found:
in module Main
at src\Main.purs:12:24 - 12:25 (line 12, column 24 - line 12, column 25)

  Unknown operator (^)

See https://github.com/purescript/documentation/blob/master/errors/UnknownName.md for more information,
or to contribute content related to this error.

[error] Failed to build.
Haskell では (^) が用意されているので、いつものノリで使ってしまったけれど、PureScript の Prelude モジュールには含まれていないっぽい。
diagonal x y = sqrt $ x*x + y*y
C:\Users\hikaru\Desktop\PureScript>spago bundle-app
[1 of 1] Compiling Main
Warning found:
at src\Main.purs:12:1 - 12:32 (line 12, column 1 - line 12, column 32)

  No type declaration was provided for the top-level declaration of diagonal.
  It is good practice to provide type declarations as a form of documentation.
  The inferred type of diagonal was:

    Number -> Number -> Number

in value declaration diagonal

See https://github.com/purescript/documentation/blob/master/errors/MissingTypeDeclaration.md for more information,
or to contribute content related to this warning.

Error found:
in module Main
at src\Main.purs:10:24 - 10:25 (line 10, column 24 - line 10, column 25)

  Could not match type


  with type


while checking that type Int
  is at least as general as type Number
while checking that expression 3
  has type Number
in value declaration main

See https://github.com/purescript/documentation/blob/master/errors/TypesDoNotUnify.md for more information,
or to contribute content related to this error.

[error] Failed to build.
diagonal の型宣言がされてないという警告は置いておいて、再び違うエラー...
エラーの感じだと Haskell の場合、数値リテラルが「Num 型クラスの任意のインスタンス」である一方で、PureScript は違うのかな?
PureScript での数値リテラルの扱いが Haskell と違う?
C:\Users\hikaru\Desktop\PureScript>spago repl
PSCi, version 0.15.8
Type :? for help

import Prelude

> :t 0

> :t 0.0
PureScript における数値リテラルに関しては、Haskell のような柔軟性はないっぽくて、小数点の有無で「Number 型」か「Int 型」のどちらかが割り当てられるっぽい。
> :t (*)
forall (a :: Type). Semiring a => a -> a -> a
まさかの 半環 (semiring) 型クラスの任意のインスタンスの要素に対して定義される形となっている。
半環というのは数学的構造の一種だけど、ここでサクッと説明できるようなものではないので、詳しい定義や説明は Wikipedia 参照。
話がちょっと逸れてしまったけど、sqrt の型は
> import Data.Number (sqrt)
> :t sqrt
Number -> Number
ということなので、数値リテラルに .0 をくっつけて、入力する数値の型を Int から Number に修正してあげればこのエラーは解消されるはず。
module Main where

import Prelude
import Data.Number (sqrt)
import Effect (Effect)
import Effect.Console (log)

main :: Effect Unit
main = do
  log (show $ diagonal 3.0 4.0)

diagonal x y = sqrt $ x*x + y*y
C:\Users\hikaru\Desktop\PureScript>spago bundle-app
[1 of 1] Compiling Main
Warning found:
in module Main
at src\Main.purs:12:1 - 12:32 (line 12, column 1 - line 12, column 32)

  No type declaration was provided for the top-level declaration of diagonal.
  It is good practice to provide type declarations as a form of documentation.
  The inferred type of diagonal was:

    Number -> Number -> Number

in value declaration diagonal

See https://github.com/purescript/documentation/blob/master/errors/MissingTypeDeclaration.md for more information,
or to contribute content related to this warning.

[info] Build succeeded.

  index.js  960b

Done in 15ms
[info] Bundle succeeded and output file to index.js
ブラウザの Web Developer Tools から出力を確認してみたところ、
  • PureScript では、演算子 (^) が Prelude モジュールに含まれない。
  • PureScript では、数値リテラルに対して小数点の有無で「Number 型」か「Int 型」のどちらかの決まった型が割り当てられるっぽい。
  • PureScript では、演算子 (*) は半環の一つの演算構造という扱いで、Number 型と Int 型はそれぞれ半環型クラスのインスタンスとして標準で定義されている。
出力として得られた JavaScript コード
以下今回最終出力として得られた JavaScript コード。
(() => {
  // output/Data.Number/foreign.js
  var sqrt = Math.sqrt;

  // output/Data.Bounded/foreign.js
  var topChar = String.fromCharCode(65535);
  var bottomChar = String.fromCharCode(0);
  var topNumber = Number.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
  var bottomNumber = Number.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

  // output/Data.Show/foreign.js
  var showNumberImpl = function(n) {
    var str = n.toString();
    return isNaN(str + ".0") ? str : str + ".0";

  // output/Data.Show/index.js
  var showNumber = {
    show: showNumberImpl
  var show = function(dict) {
    return dict.show;

  // output/Effect.Console/foreign.js
  var log2 = function(s) {
    return function() {

  // output/Main/index.js
  var diagonal = function(x) {
    return function(y) {
      return sqrt(x * x + y * y);
  var main = /* @__PURE__ */ log2(/* @__PURE__ */ show(showNumber)(/* @__PURE__ */ diagonal(3)(4)));

  // <stdin>